Sweden: Jews Call for Ban on Nordic Resistance Movement . . .
❝I ALWAYS LIKE to take note of Jewish organisations calling for bans on immigration resistance parties. You could say “Why bother? We’re surrounded by Jews screeching for White Genocide in various, usually artfully disguised, ways. This is just another twig on the bonfire.”
This is true. But arguments about the JQ and its relationship to White minoritization are open to various kinds of objection. You can quote this or that Jewish journalist calling for open borders or abolishing White people. Objection? “It’s just one guy; no proof he’s representative of anything other than himself; besides, he’s making a legitimate argument that’s open to democratic debate.”
That is why calls for bans on political parties assume a special moral significance. It’s a demand for the suppression of debate. And when it comes from an organization that claims to be representative of Jewry, and that claim goes unchallenged, then a special moral culpability attaches to the Jews.❞
Our elite doesn't want to destroy China, they want to do business with them. Who they want to destroy is YOU. Some European bastard probably said something like "You can always pay one part of the poor to put down the rest of the poor." The people running our country have been shown to the whole world as impotent, so like a drunk dad, they're coming home to beat the shit out of the wife and kids, ie, us, to assuage their feelings of inadequacy. It's in the goddamn news every day. Thanks for the essay, it was good, pissed me right off.
<<"The people running our country have been shown to the whole world as impotent, so like a drunk dad, they're coming home to beat the shit out of the wife and kids, ie, us, to assuage their feelings of inadequacy.">>
That analogy is perfect. Truly one of the most apropos I've seen. Well done!
It's funny to me that they're all but saying, "We're going to war with China and Russia", and they know it, and we know it, and China and Russia have to know it, but for some reason, no one's allowed to break kayfabe. And, that being the case, does anyone really think that China and Russia, if things come down to it, are going to sit and wait to get hit first if they're 110% sure that things are about to pop off? I'd be so bold as to suggest the opening salvos have already been fired and 90% of the fighting so far has been through unconventional means (cyber attacks, economic maneuvering, infrastructure sabotage), and who knows how long that will continue or ramp up until both sides finally go mask-off and the shooting starts in earnest.
With the housing crisis, everyone could see the data, but almost no one could come to grips with the significance of it. They knew on one level it was unsustainable fraud, but all the incentives were placed to keep it going. Everyone in GAE thinks in three-month increments, quarterly projections and such. So to it is with Ukraine. What happened last quarter will be forgotten and what will happen next quarter is irrelevant; what matters is how things are going now, the facts of which can be massaged to fit the right boxes to merit praise, promotion, and material reward. That’s what leading us to Armageddon.
Not to mention all those military-age Chinese males coming across the Southern border. And (as Joe Dolio pointed out), it's not like China is the kind of country where large numbers of its citizens can just flock to a competing nation without the CCP being aware of, and approving, such migrations. But that's being ignored, along with all the other moves China is making within our borders, because 10% for the big guy and all his uniparty friends. Mark Sibley may turn out to have prophesied the American apocalypse with his book Mongol Moon.
Bingo! Thank you for saying this—I have little doubt the Chinese have been flooding our country with infiltrators and saboteurs through our open borders. The sabotage has already begun, I’m sure: the fires, the drugs, destruction of infrastructure, train derailments, etc. And who’s paying for all these Africans and others to arrive at the border? Africa is practically a minor Chinese province by now. And flooding our countries with hordes of foreigners has already had a destabilizing and frankly devastating and irreversible effect. I have a feeling the Russians and Chinese have already won the war against us…we just haven’t realized it yet.
Sweden: Jews Call for Ban on Nordic Resistance Movement . . .
❝I ALWAYS LIKE to take note of Jewish organisations calling for bans on immigration resistance parties. You could say “Why bother? We’re surrounded by Jews screeching for White Genocide in various, usually artfully disguised, ways. This is just another twig on the bonfire.”
This is true. But arguments about the JQ and its relationship to White minoritization are open to various kinds of objection. You can quote this or that Jewish journalist calling for open borders or abolishing White people. Objection? “It’s just one guy; no proof he’s representative of anything other than himself; besides, he’s making a legitimate argument that’s open to democratic debate.”
That is why calls for bans on political parties assume a special moral significance. It’s a demand for the suppression of debate. And when it comes from an organization that claims to be representative of Jewry, and that claim goes unchallenged, then a special moral culpability attaches to the Jews.❞
The speech itself raises all the problems with the idea except one: the US would never win. And as it started to really lose the nukes would fly and that would be that. End of story. No more twinkies.
Getting people to fight in the first place is a different problem than getting them to win. The subtext of the speech is the unspoken rage of the managers toward the perfidy of their peasant herd. They gave them everything they could ever want, to diabetic extremes, and the ungrateful masses wont even fight ONE global war to keep the bankers’ version of musical chairs going another ten years. I imagine the president sounding like the Golden God himself:
If people want to be comfortable, war is uncomfortable. Whipping mobs into fear and hysteria is more effective than appealing to their rational self-interest
Sweden: Jews Call for Ban on Nordic Resistance Movement . . .
❝I ALWAYS LIKE to take note of Jewish organisations calling for bans on immigration resistance parties. You could say “Why bother? We’re surrounded by Jews screeching for White Genocide in various, usually artfully disguised, ways. This is just another twig on the bonfire.”
This is true. But arguments about the JQ and its relationship to White minoritization are open to various kinds of objection. You can quote this or that Jewish journalist calling for open borders or abolishing White people. Objection? “It’s just one guy; no proof he’s representative of anything other than himself; besides, he’s making a legitimate argument that’s open to democratic debate.”
That is why calls for bans on political parties assume a special moral significance. It’s a demand for the suppression of debate. And when it comes from an organization that claims to be representative of Jewry, and that claim goes unchallenged, then a special moral culpability attaches to the Jews.❞
Don't know if you read comics - I've never outgrown it - but Rick Veitch did a hilarious comic titled "Army @ Love" in 2007, about exactly that very thing you mention.
Due to difficulties in getting recruits, war (Afghanistan in this case) is sold as a 24/7 reality show á la 'Survivor' and 'Jersey Shore'. That's the basic premise, and it's riotous and unsettling in equal amounts.
Some of the characters:
A real army sergeant, a veteran and actual military man playing cat-herder for the privates.
A Karen of epic proportions raising Hell whenever she suspects her special needs son isn't given proper respect and deferrence.
A plethora of plotters, schemers and grifters all trying to get the highest viewership numbers for the home audience. Drugs, sex and calling in drone strikes whenever it gets difficult.
And the native population, serving as so much collateral and living targets for fun and profit.
You can probably find it on-line if you're interested.
"As Christopher Caldwell so thoroughly documents in his The Age of Entitlement, the Reagan revolution institutionalized the firesale of America’s manufacturing capacity and its replacement by a financialized, deficit economy that allowed elites to use labor arbitrage to rake in unheard-of profits while buying off dissent with deficit-funded welfare programs, and otherwise manufacturing consent for their program by importing a new people to vote for it."
I find it very refreshing to read a self-described man of the Right calling the Reagan administration out on its horseshit. It merely paved the way for Clinton and the hollowing out of America. Reagan has gotten a pass from conservatives (and liberals!) for far too long, IMO; for some reason he remains a Holy of Holies who may not be criticized. The ideology of "small government" stopped to a screeching halt when it came to the permanent security state.
Yep, that's the sad reality. Reagan did some truly good things, but the Wall Street banksters got everything they wanted out of his administration, and that set the stage for the cancerous growth of the financial sector that's been corrupting and consuming America from within ever since.
Reagan is a lot like FDR; the right men for 1929 and 1979 respectively. Unfortunately, their charisma and early successes meant that political machines developed around them and created incentives to keep doubling down on their policies for a generation past their sell-by date.
I loved this! Your so smart you can be the Wise man of my Mad Max tribe... but you have to bring your own assless chaps.
You say this like is a bad thing : "Those of you in service jobs will mostly lose them; industry will return and with it the ethos of physical labor, masculine culture, and probably the patriarchy. "
I'm not rising up against shit to prevent that... but then I live in South Africa which is just totes badass. We are already at 75 % mad Max level. The powers going out four times a day... but I have biltong and candles and Im loved by the nearby tribe... so WAGMI !
The military to the extent it is breaking is breaking because:
1. The Constitution is what the military swore to, and it’s rather obviously inoperative.
2. You can’t officially hate and propagate official sanctioned hatred against your troops composite groups; whites, males, heterosexuals, Christians and not expect them to kill or die for you.
3. The inane use of our precious training time to nag us incessantly to stop being;
-skeptical of anything
-skeptical of vaccines
-Toxically Masculine (a word about this, it’s our purpose to kill people and destroy things)
-Hostile work environment; that’s actually why we exist, our work being exactly hostility.
-suicidal (suicides are bad for careers of surviving superiors)
-drug addled drunks
...You see taking away our time to prepare for war convinces even the most stubborn people that we’re working for people who don’t take war seriously, and war is serious.
4. Nagl; sigh. Ask Nagl if War means we can eat soup with a spoon now. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, please learn. Nagl is mr COIN, we warned then this would happen.
It did.
5. The military is generational service. This has been known for a long time. You can’t shit on people forever when they’re from the same families.
6. It would help if the rest of you pitched in for a change, but...
7. You’re users, by you I mean Civilians and all those who rode free on the security provided by others- relax - we’re done.
The loss of Empire does mean the free infinity money is gone, but not our problem.
8. Don’t fret about conscription. War is coming everywhere in the West. You’d have to get into Russia or China to avoid it... they don’t run charities.
9. Should mention the police come from the same families as military: police, veterans, military, same people.
10. Empire? Lol. You’ll wish you were in the military just to improve your chances.
A factor rarely brought up is the US military's aversion to losing troops. (Plase don't misread this, all militaries try to minimalise losses but the US military is so loss-averse it hampers ability.)
The US Civil War claimed about as many soldiers as the US lost in WW2. Think about that. Why? How? Consider that the US has lost every war since WW2. Battles you may win, but you always lose the war.
Now look at Russia and China, nations and cultures so old few others still in existence can compare. Look at their history: they know loss, and they know how to turn loss and suffering into a resource, into strength.
The US don't, never has compared to them.
No, the US will continue to use drones and aerial bombarment, continue to murder hundreds of thousands if not millions of civilians as collateral damage in target zones, and continue to insist it's "the Good Guys", and continue to use economic incentives to corrupt and make ameanable to US globalist doctrine the leadership of other nations unless they are to powerful or have been designated strawman enemies (such as DPRK or Iran - anyone thinking either is a military threat to the US must be so pig-ignorant they struggle to tie their shoelaces).
China lacks strike capabilities beyod it's immediate borders. So does Russia. They are only military threats to their neighbours, so any war between a Sino-Slavic alliance and US hegemony would be proxy-wars fought along the borders.
And China and Russia knows this full well, which is why they have been labouring to destroy you by helping you commit suicide. They have been doing this since the late 1990s. They identified your major weaknesses:
Greed, made into virtue under the moniker capitalism.
Liberalism, in your cult of rights.
Exceptionalism, thinking you different than all other nations or states.
Globalism/cosmopolitanism, embodied in the fallacy "all men are created equal".
American individualism, the false belief that individual and collective exists in conflict (when in reality they are just different levels of zoom looking at the same thing).
Freedom, always worshipped and never defined or codified, making it hollow and fake.
I think you need to shrink, but thsoe who rule you can't allow for that. I think most of you want peace and live by "live and let live"-principles, but those who own you cannot abide free will going against their utopianism. I think most americans are starting to understand that you cannot separate community, society and nation from kultur/ethnicity the way you've (well, black and white americans mainly) been trying to since the end of the 1950s.
What was the name of that war game where a US admiral won, despite the game being rigged against him, simply because he used non-american tactics and strategy? I remember reading about it when it happened, and they re-did the war game so it ended the way it had been decided beforehand.
That attitude among your commanders and officers and politicians is why you don't win wars, only battles.
You should write a full essay on these themes. I feel like your ideas are more deserving of a wider and more direct format than just the comments section.
As to the casualty aversion, this has been a feature of American military doctrine since WWII, at least in the Army. In general, the Army moved to contact, dug in, brought up artillery and air support. pounded the enemy to the point of overwhelming weakness, then moved in to attack. It was effective, but methodical and slow. This caused friction with the Marines in the Pacific War, whose doctrine favored maneuver warfare, believing that speed mitigated casualties in the long run. The modern military, apart from the Marines, attempt to square the circle through a doctrine called "Mission First, People Always." The validity of this remains to be tested in a major conflict.
I am a civilian and as such is leery of doing too much arm-chair generalship: "Anyone can muster in the cardroom" so to speak.
I do however study military thinking thanks to my father who is life-long career military, a front-line combat engineer who adavanced from basic infatery soldier to colonel during his career. Therefore, I'll almost always defer to people with actual real experience.
The doctrine you describe has a glaring problem I'm sure US top brass is aware of: what do you do when the enemy isn't affected by your strategy, or it cannot be enforced?
If you look at US deployments from Desert Storm to today, everyone of them becomes more and more a question of holding strategic cities while sending out punitive patrols into the hinterlands - i.e. strategy, tactics and methods very useful against domestic insurgents on the home soil.
Something I'd find very unsettling if I was an american opposed to whoever the puppetmasters of the incumbent are.
As for winning war: I saw a clip once of Larry King interviewing a retired US officer, I think a Korea+Vietnam veteran. Said officer was very clear what winning entails: send enough troops and materiel to turn the opposition into dust, with no regards for stuff like "laws of war" - go in to win, go hard, go heavy and go home happy. No state building, none of this "spreading liberal democracy"-schtick that plays to the media - because Asia, Africa or MENA isn't Germany in the 1950s. Real war. Hell on Earth. Make the enemy fear you so much they want to be your friend.
No two guesses why the man was retired instead of a presidential advisor.
The reason russian troops in Ukraine commit war crimes isn't because they are evil or find it fun: the reason is it's what needs being done. The enemy has an AA battery next to a hospital? Bombard it. If the hospital goes, so be it. (And while it's been over a decade since I read up on the relevant "international laws" [no such thing exists, only who's strong enough to ignore it and who has to lump it] and treaties, I do recall that exploiting outlawed targets as a kind of shield voids the protection.)
War is vile and I've lost friends to it. They still breathe, but their souls died in Bosnia, in Mali, in Irak and in Afghanistan. I hate it with an unhealthy passion, and will hold true to my last day that anyone advocating war automatically volunteers to go over the top in the first wave.
Edit: Please excuse spelling errors; my laptop's keyboard is on its last legs and sometimes the keystroke don't register.
Ironic that western people have generally avoided thinking about death for so long that they have become death, and don't recognise themselves in the mirror.
I for one will not be killing some other ignorant fool to ' save our way of life' or some such shit. I will be preparing to live by preparing to die.
Sweden: Jews Call for Ban on Nordic Resistance Movement . . .
❝I ALWAYS LIKE to take note of Jewish organisations calling for bans on immigration resistance parties. You could say “Why bother? We’re surrounded by Jews screeching for White Genocide in various, usually artfully disguised, ways. This is just another twig on the bonfire.”
This is true. But arguments about the JQ and its relationship to White minoritization are open to various kinds of objection. You can quote this or that Jewish journalist calling for open borders or abolishing White people. Objection? “It’s just one guy; no proof he’s representative of anything other than himself; besides, he’s making a legitimate argument that’s open to democratic debate.”
That is why calls for bans on political parties assume a special moral significance. It’s a demand for the suppression of debate. And when it comes from an organization that claims to be representative of Jewry, and that claim goes unchallenged, then a special moral culpability attaches to the Jews.❞
"My fellow Americans, die for more stuff."
Brings a tear to my eye. Truly they will see us as The Greatest Generation.
Fuck Israel.
Sweden: Jews Call for Ban on Nordic Resistance Movement . . .
❝I ALWAYS LIKE to take note of Jewish organisations calling for bans on immigration resistance parties. You could say “Why bother? We’re surrounded by Jews screeching for White Genocide in various, usually artfully disguised, ways. This is just another twig on the bonfire.”
This is true. But arguments about the JQ and its relationship to White minoritization are open to various kinds of objection. You can quote this or that Jewish journalist calling for open borders or abolishing White people. Objection? “It’s just one guy; no proof he’s representative of anything other than himself; besides, he’s making a legitimate argument that’s open to democratic debate.”
That is why calls for bans on political parties assume a special moral significance. It’s a demand for the suppression of debate. And when it comes from an organization that claims to be representative of Jewry, and that claim goes unchallenged, then a special moral culpability attaches to the Jews.❞
Our elite doesn't want to destroy China, they want to do business with them. Who they want to destroy is YOU. Some European bastard probably said something like "You can always pay one part of the poor to put down the rest of the poor." The people running our country have been shown to the whole world as impotent, so like a drunk dad, they're coming home to beat the shit out of the wife and kids, ie, us, to assuage their feelings of inadequacy. It's in the goddamn news every day. Thanks for the essay, it was good, pissed me right off.
They mean to rule. Ruling well is not a priority.
<<"The people running our country have been shown to the whole world as impotent, so like a drunk dad, they're coming home to beat the shit out of the wife and kids, ie, us, to assuage their feelings of inadequacy.">>
That analogy is perfect. Truly one of the most apropos I've seen. Well done!
It's funny to me that they're all but saying, "We're going to war with China and Russia", and they know it, and we know it, and China and Russia have to know it, but for some reason, no one's allowed to break kayfabe. And, that being the case, does anyone really think that China and Russia, if things come down to it, are going to sit and wait to get hit first if they're 110% sure that things are about to pop off? I'd be so bold as to suggest the opening salvos have already been fired and 90% of the fighting so far has been through unconventional means (cyber attacks, economic maneuvering, infrastructure sabotage), and who knows how long that will continue or ramp up until both sides finally go mask-off and the shooting starts in earnest.
Strange times.
With the housing crisis, everyone could see the data, but almost no one could come to grips with the significance of it. They knew on one level it was unsustainable fraud, but all the incentives were placed to keep it going. Everyone in GAE thinks in three-month increments, quarterly projections and such. So to it is with Ukraine. What happened last quarter will be forgotten and what will happen next quarter is irrelevant; what matters is how things are going now, the facts of which can be massaged to fit the right boxes to merit praise, promotion, and material reward. That’s what leading us to Armageddon.
The B schools and the MBA's.
Not to mention all those military-age Chinese males coming across the Southern border. And (as Joe Dolio pointed out), it's not like China is the kind of country where large numbers of its citizens can just flock to a competing nation without the CCP being aware of, and approving, such migrations. But that's being ignored, along with all the other moves China is making within our borders, because 10% for the big guy and all his uniparty friends. Mark Sibley may turn out to have prophesied the American apocalypse with his book Mongol Moon.
Bingo! Thank you for saying this—I have little doubt the Chinese have been flooding our country with infiltrators and saboteurs through our open borders. The sabotage has already begun, I’m sure: the fires, the drugs, destruction of infrastructure, train derailments, etc. And who’s paying for all these Africans and others to arrive at the border? Africa is practically a minor Chinese province by now. And flooding our countries with hordes of foreigners has already had a destabilizing and frankly devastating and irreversible effect. I have a feeling the Russians and Chinese have already won the war against us…we just haven’t realized it yet.
Fuck Israel.
Sweden: Jews Call for Ban on Nordic Resistance Movement . . .
❝I ALWAYS LIKE to take note of Jewish organisations calling for bans on immigration resistance parties. You could say “Why bother? We’re surrounded by Jews screeching for White Genocide in various, usually artfully disguised, ways. This is just another twig on the bonfire.”
This is true. But arguments about the JQ and its relationship to White minoritization are open to various kinds of objection. You can quote this or that Jewish journalist calling for open borders or abolishing White people. Objection? “It’s just one guy; no proof he’s representative of anything other than himself; besides, he’s making a legitimate argument that’s open to democratic debate.”
That is why calls for bans on political parties assume a special moral significance. It’s a demand for the suppression of debate. And when it comes from an organization that claims to be representative of Jewry, and that claim goes unchallenged, then a special moral culpability attaches to the Jews.❞
The speech itself raises all the problems with the idea except one: the US would never win. And as it started to really lose the nukes would fly and that would be that. End of story. No more twinkies.
Getting people to fight in the first place is a different problem than getting them to win. The subtext of the speech is the unspoken rage of the managers toward the perfidy of their peasant herd. They gave them everything they could ever want, to diabetic extremes, and the ungrateful masses wont even fight ONE global war to keep the bankers’ version of musical chairs going another ten years. I imagine the president sounding like the Golden God himself:
Love that show.
So true. We are all such ingrates.
When appeals to patriotism fail, appeals to the holy trinity of Dude Weed, pr0n, and vidya might just be crazy enough to work.
I mean I really doubt it would work but it's a hilarious suggestion.
If people want to be comfortable, war is uncomfortable. Whipping mobs into fear and hysteria is more effective than appealing to their rational self-interest
Fuck Israel.
Sweden: Jews Call for Ban on Nordic Resistance Movement . . .
❝I ALWAYS LIKE to take note of Jewish organisations calling for bans on immigration resistance parties. You could say “Why bother? We’re surrounded by Jews screeching for White Genocide in various, usually artfully disguised, ways. This is just another twig on the bonfire.”
This is true. But arguments about the JQ and its relationship to White minoritization are open to various kinds of objection. You can quote this or that Jewish journalist calling for open borders or abolishing White people. Objection? “It’s just one guy; no proof he’s representative of anything other than himself; besides, he’s making a legitimate argument that’s open to democratic debate.”
That is why calls for bans on political parties assume a special moral significance. It’s a demand for the suppression of debate. And when it comes from an organization that claims to be representative of Jewry, and that claim goes unchallenged, then a special moral culpability attaches to the Jews.❞
Don't know if you read comics - I've never outgrown it - but Rick Veitch did a hilarious comic titled "Army @ Love" in 2007, about exactly that very thing you mention.
Due to difficulties in getting recruits, war (Afghanistan in this case) is sold as a 24/7 reality show á la 'Survivor' and 'Jersey Shore'. That's the basic premise, and it's riotous and unsettling in equal amounts.
Some of the characters:
A real army sergeant, a veteran and actual military man playing cat-herder for the privates.
A Karen of epic proportions raising Hell whenever she suspects her special needs son isn't given proper respect and deferrence.
A plethora of plotters, schemers and grifters all trying to get the highest viewership numbers for the home audience. Drugs, sex and calling in drone strikes whenever it gets difficult.
And the native population, serving as so much collateral and living targets for fun and profit.
You can probably find it on-line if you're interested.
I have not seen it but it sounds like an interesting premise.
"As Christopher Caldwell so thoroughly documents in his The Age of Entitlement, the Reagan revolution institutionalized the firesale of America’s manufacturing capacity and its replacement by a financialized, deficit economy that allowed elites to use labor arbitrage to rake in unheard-of profits while buying off dissent with deficit-funded welfare programs, and otherwise manufacturing consent for their program by importing a new people to vote for it."
I find it very refreshing to read a self-described man of the Right calling the Reagan administration out on its horseshit. It merely paved the way for Clinton and the hollowing out of America. Reagan has gotten a pass from conservatives (and liberals!) for far too long, IMO; for some reason he remains a Holy of Holies who may not be criticized. The ideology of "small government" stopped to a screeching halt when it came to the permanent security state.
"Dad, I learned it from you."
Yep, that's the sad reality. Reagan did some truly good things, but the Wall Street banksters got everything they wanted out of his administration, and that set the stage for the cancerous growth of the financial sector that's been corrupting and consuming America from within ever since.
Reagan is a lot like FDR; the right men for 1929 and 1979 respectively. Unfortunately, their charisma and early successes meant that political machines developed around them and created incentives to keep doubling down on their policies for a generation past their sell-by date.
There doesn't need to be a war. We used to practice diplomacy instead of killing.
Once, when we had manufacturing, we sold everything to the world. Now, we don't even have that. We are consumers, not makers.
If the dollar were to crash, everything would go up in a poof of smoke.
I keep wondering if losing a major war wouldn't be a bad thing.
We would trade one set of overlords for another one.
But I don't think we'd face what our ancestors faced, the loss of famillies or the loss of childbearing women. But then, China is short of women.
Provocative post.
And, did the man in the cardigan dress purposefully for the event in the photograph?
I don’t know. He may have been Mr. Rogers’ stunt man.
You nailed it.
I read Nagl’s book at the time by the way.
I drank the Kool Aide.
But I did it In Iraq, in OIF, 06-07.
So I damn sure put my life where my beliefs were- in my defense.
Now in truth Nagl and the rest and the leadership could be given 36 million Troops and 37% of GDP, which is WW2 levels.
They’d still fail.
What they want is an army to play with and the one they had they pissed away.
Don’t give them anymore.
What the pols offered is what we demanded- to live beyond our means. The bill is here.
Eat turnips, wear handmedowns
I DID and get back to work.
We have become bored with freedom and no longer wish to pay the cost of liberty. This has been coming on for 60 years.
Double ungood.
I loved this! Your so smart you can be the Wise man of my Mad Max tribe... but you have to bring your own assless chaps.
You say this like is a bad thing : "Those of you in service jobs will mostly lose them; industry will return and with it the ethos of physical labor, masculine culture, and probably the patriarchy. "
I'm not rising up against shit to prevent that... but then I live in South Africa which is just totes badass. We are already at 75 % mad Max level. The powers going out four times a day... but I have biltong and candles and Im loved by the nearby tribe... so WAGMI !
I don’t think it’s a bad thing, but President G. Lobohomo does.
I would love to try biltong; I imagine it’s like the beef jerky we Southerners love.
I read Nagl’s essay, him and the Skirt.
Nagl complaining that the Army he wrote a book to make (COIN) can’t do war is shameless.
Nagl should really run for Congress, he’s got what it takes.
The military to the extent it is breaking is breaking because:
1. The Constitution is what the military swore to, and it’s rather obviously inoperative.
2. You can’t officially hate and propagate official sanctioned hatred against your troops composite groups; whites, males, heterosexuals, Christians and not expect them to kill or die for you.
3. The inane use of our precious training time to nag us incessantly to stop being;
-skeptical of anything
-skeptical of vaccines
-Toxically Masculine (a word about this, it’s our purpose to kill people and destroy things)
-Hostile work environment; that’s actually why we exist, our work being exactly hostility.
-suicidal (suicides are bad for careers of surviving superiors)
-drug addled drunks
...You see taking away our time to prepare for war convinces even the most stubborn people that we’re working for people who don’t take war seriously, and war is serious.
4. Nagl; sigh. Ask Nagl if War means we can eat soup with a spoon now. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, please learn. Nagl is mr COIN, we warned then this would happen.
It did.
5. The military is generational service. This has been known for a long time. You can’t shit on people forever when they’re from the same families.
6. It would help if the rest of you pitched in for a change, but...
7. You’re users, by you I mean Civilians and all those who rode free on the security provided by others- relax - we’re done.
The loss of Empire does mean the free infinity money is gone, but not our problem.
8. Don’t fret about conscription. War is coming everywhere in the West. You’d have to get into Russia or China to avoid it... they don’t run charities.
9. Should mention the police come from the same families as military: police, veterans, military, same people.
10. Empire? Lol. You’ll wish you were in the military just to improve your chances.
This might raise hackles:
A factor rarely brought up is the US military's aversion to losing troops. (Plase don't misread this, all militaries try to minimalise losses but the US military is so loss-averse it hampers ability.)
The US Civil War claimed about as many soldiers as the US lost in WW2. Think about that. Why? How? Consider that the US has lost every war since WW2. Battles you may win, but you always lose the war.
Now look at Russia and China, nations and cultures so old few others still in existence can compare. Look at their history: they know loss, and they know how to turn loss and suffering into a resource, into strength.
The US don't, never has compared to them.
No, the US will continue to use drones and aerial bombarment, continue to murder hundreds of thousands if not millions of civilians as collateral damage in target zones, and continue to insist it's "the Good Guys", and continue to use economic incentives to corrupt and make ameanable to US globalist doctrine the leadership of other nations unless they are to powerful or have been designated strawman enemies (such as DPRK or Iran - anyone thinking either is a military threat to the US must be so pig-ignorant they struggle to tie their shoelaces).
China lacks strike capabilities beyod it's immediate borders. So does Russia. They are only military threats to their neighbours, so any war between a Sino-Slavic alliance and US hegemony would be proxy-wars fought along the borders.
And China and Russia knows this full well, which is why they have been labouring to destroy you by helping you commit suicide. They have been doing this since the late 1990s. They identified your major weaknesses:
Greed, made into virtue under the moniker capitalism.
Liberalism, in your cult of rights.
Exceptionalism, thinking you different than all other nations or states.
Globalism/cosmopolitanism, embodied in the fallacy "all men are created equal".
American individualism, the false belief that individual and collective exists in conflict (when in reality they are just different levels of zoom looking at the same thing).
Freedom, always worshipped and never defined or codified, making it hollow and fake.
I think you need to shrink, but thsoe who rule you can't allow for that. I think most of you want peace and live by "live and let live"-principles, but those who own you cannot abide free will going against their utopianism. I think most americans are starting to understand that you cannot separate community, society and nation from kultur/ethnicity the way you've (well, black and white americans mainly) been trying to since the end of the 1950s.
What was the name of that war game where a US admiral won, despite the game being rigged against him, simply because he used non-american tactics and strategy? I remember reading about it when it happened, and they re-did the war game so it ended the way it had been decided beforehand.
That attitude among your commanders and officers and politicians is why you don't win wars, only battles.
You should write a full essay on these themes. I feel like your ideas are more deserving of a wider and more direct format than just the comments section.
As to the casualty aversion, this has been a feature of American military doctrine since WWII, at least in the Army. In general, the Army moved to contact, dug in, brought up artillery and air support. pounded the enemy to the point of overwhelming weakness, then moved in to attack. It was effective, but methodical and slow. This caused friction with the Marines in the Pacific War, whose doctrine favored maneuver warfare, believing that speed mitigated casualties in the long run. The modern military, apart from the Marines, attempt to square the circle through a doctrine called "Mission First, People Always." The validity of this remains to be tested in a major conflict.
I am a civilian and as such is leery of doing too much arm-chair generalship: "Anyone can muster in the cardroom" so to speak.
I do however study military thinking thanks to my father who is life-long career military, a front-line combat engineer who adavanced from basic infatery soldier to colonel during his career. Therefore, I'll almost always defer to people with actual real experience.
The doctrine you describe has a glaring problem I'm sure US top brass is aware of: what do you do when the enemy isn't affected by your strategy, or it cannot be enforced?
If you look at US deployments from Desert Storm to today, everyone of them becomes more and more a question of holding strategic cities while sending out punitive patrols into the hinterlands - i.e. strategy, tactics and methods very useful against domestic insurgents on the home soil.
Something I'd find very unsettling if I was an american opposed to whoever the puppetmasters of the incumbent are.
As for winning war: I saw a clip once of Larry King interviewing a retired US officer, I think a Korea+Vietnam veteran. Said officer was very clear what winning entails: send enough troops and materiel to turn the opposition into dust, with no regards for stuff like "laws of war" - go in to win, go hard, go heavy and go home happy. No state building, none of this "spreading liberal democracy"-schtick that plays to the media - because Asia, Africa or MENA isn't Germany in the 1950s. Real war. Hell on Earth. Make the enemy fear you so much they want to be your friend.
No two guesses why the man was retired instead of a presidential advisor.
The reason russian troops in Ukraine commit war crimes isn't because they are evil or find it fun: the reason is it's what needs being done. The enemy has an AA battery next to a hospital? Bombard it. If the hospital goes, so be it. (And while it's been over a decade since I read up on the relevant "international laws" [no such thing exists, only who's strong enough to ignore it and who has to lump it] and treaties, I do recall that exploiting outlawed targets as a kind of shield voids the protection.)
War is vile and I've lost friends to it. They still breathe, but their souls died in Bosnia, in Mali, in Irak and in Afghanistan. I hate it with an unhealthy passion, and will hold true to my last day that anyone advocating war automatically volunteers to go over the top in the first wave.
Edit: Please excuse spelling errors; my laptop's keyboard is on its last legs and sometimes the keystroke don't register.
Ironic that western people have generally avoided thinking about death for so long that they have become death, and don't recognise themselves in the mirror.
I for one will not be killing some other ignorant fool to ' save our way of life' or some such shit. I will be preparing to live by preparing to die.
Fuck Israel.
Sweden: Jews Call for Ban on Nordic Resistance Movement . . .
❝I ALWAYS LIKE to take note of Jewish organisations calling for bans on immigration resistance parties. You could say “Why bother? We’re surrounded by Jews screeching for White Genocide in various, usually artfully disguised, ways. This is just another twig on the bonfire.”
This is true. But arguments about the JQ and its relationship to White minoritization are open to various kinds of objection. You can quote this or that Jewish journalist calling for open borders or abolishing White people. Objection? “It’s just one guy; no proof he’s representative of anything other than himself; besides, he’s making a legitimate argument that’s open to democratic debate.”
That is why calls for bans on political parties assume a special moral significance. It’s a demand for the suppression of debate. And when it comes from an organization that claims to be representative of Jewry, and that claim goes unchallenged, then a special moral culpability attaches to the Jews.❞
Relevant and powerful essay.
Thank you kindly.