"Knowing is half the battle."

The other half involves violence.

(sorry, couldn't help myself)

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Knowledge & the Wisdom to use it are infinity away from one another. It takes an infinite soul in communion with its Source to obtain the other half. It doesn’t look like physical violence. We are quite capable of violently resisting with our mind & spirit. The world’s systems will only collapse if we do it that way. I’m not saying violence doesn’t have a role, but it must be violence justified of the type Jesus’ had driving the money-changers from the Temple.... if we are a temple of the Holy Spirit.... get out your whips for the old way of thinking.

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I disavow young Jaden. Were he of the blood, he would have succeeded in the robbery, rather than getting himself shot for a pair of sneakers and an iPhone.

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Imagine meeting your maker as that guy:

GOD: So what did you do with the life I gave you?

CARTER: I got shot to death while stealing some Air Jordans.

GOD: So the only thing you did on Earth was steal a pair of shoes?

CARTER: Well, no, I kind of screwed that up actually.

GOD: Enjoy an eternity of Classical music and unseasoned chicken ...

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I'm thinking the christian Hell would be a mercy compared to some other fates...


Turned away from any of the dwellings of the aesir or the vanir, and not being allowed into Hel either, the only option left is to go live among the trolls and the jötun, if they don't eat you.

To say nothing about the afterlifes of China and Japan.

Moral is, don't be a thief.

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*unsoaped chicken


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Tough love in the Carter family. That's the only way to strengthen the gene pool. It is the bloodlines that matter 😜

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I have this to say on the issue of gun (and knife) laws:

Up until the 1930s-1950s, such laws were largely non-existent here in Sweden. People didn't "open carry", there was no need and you would have been laughed at until you died from shame. Buying and selling guns (rifles of various sorts, mainly) was between seller and buyer. Same with ammunition.

And we had virtually zero gun-related crimes, not even robbers - not even bank robbers! - tended to use guns. Stabbings and such were usually die to drunken brawls, and the penalty for using something other than your hands in a fight often led to charges of aggravated (and if applicable, armed) assault; what this meant was that you instead of a few week s in county jail got several years in state penitentiary.

Then came the 1960s, US-civil rights movement inspired communist progressives (yes, really) and the start of the downfall.

Now, we have gun crime galore and among the hardest gun laws in the world.

Here's a hint as to what changed:

In the 1930s and up until the 1980s, Sweden was 95%+ white. Nordic. Swedes made up those 95%. The remainder were sami, danes, norwegians, finns and the odd german or other white european, and a few hundred domestic gypsies.

Now, 35%+ of the population is negro, arab, afghan, syrian, and so on.

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The more “rights” you get, the more laws you get.

The more democracy you get, the less freedom you get.

The more vibrant the diversity, the more dead the actual society.

The more solutions to this the managerial elite offer, the more problems they create.

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Short version: the more rules to the game, the more loopholes. Any game designer/tester can tell you that, and I've had games as a hobby for 40 years.


When the olden laws were first written down, they were transcriptions of even older oral tradition and the actual laws in question had been spontneously evolved in, by and via the community they themselves sprung from.

From Stone to Bronze to Iron Age, the law was no more complicated or complex than everyone could know it, and everything was settled on the Ting, before witnesses. Deals, agreements and treaties were likewise handled. After christianity, it became customary to continue the making of deals and such right outside church after Sunday mass, since the churches were built on the old Holy places anyway, and what the god was called or what symbol it had was less important.

After the law was were written down and then coalesced into national law by the decree of the king (1200s AD) at the time, it gradually became the tool of those in power we know it as today.

Between the 1600s and today, a moral ingredient was introduced year over year so that now, the law isn't about what we may not do to each other but about telling us how we ought to be - a religion in its own right. No more is it a regulatory measure to avoid violence and war, ut instead a coercive moral code without any actual ethical foundation or moral authority but the will of power and the wants of the powerful.

A civilisation will not endure when the law it uses to govern itself is unconcerned with practivality and functionality, instead being focused on "improving" humans to be the way they "should" be.

Eh, ranting. Hopefully there's something good there at least.

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Yes, your comments are always insightful and appreciated. Chesterton said that a society that gets rid of a few big rules needs a lot of little ones. It’s a perennial truth.

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The more corrupt a society the more laws

Have a look at the complexity of tax codes

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Here in Australia I could carry my .22 rifle on train to the city as long as it was in a gun bag. A Lee Enfield ex army .303 was super cheap if you wanted one. I never heard of anyone being shot (that’s 50 years ago though)

Also there was no such thing as “car jacking “ and “home invasion “ then either

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Right up until the late 1980s, seeing Home Guard volunteers carrying their service arms on public transport wasn't uncommon. Rare, but not uncommon if you see what I mean.

Said weapons being AK-47s and AK-5s. Including live rounds. They kept these weapons at home, including live ammunition.

In the entirety of the history of the Home Guard, there's been (1) shooting involving such a weapon. One.

Now, when it's a free-for-all among the Darkies, twelve-year-old negro boys shoot at arab boys of the same age using semi-autos.

The EU's and the swedish governement's solution?

Make tougher rules for sport-shooters and hunters.

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This is by design not incompetence

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I know. What angers me greatly?

That - generally speaking - when talking about this with brits and USAmericans, they are much more incensed and upset about the use of "Darkies" or "negros" than about children shooting each other.

This holds true right across all political boundaries, making it clear evidence of how those two nations and their cultures have totally internalised the lingusitic crime-stop thinking of an oppressor.

Even US "conservatives" are upset about "negro". I guess to them MLK was a racist...

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I think that a lot of that reaction stems from one of three causes. One, people generally see rude racial language as indicative of an unwanted escalation in tone; one goes from critical to insulting and the entire thrust of some essay or comment or whatever is derailed. Also, people who use those sorts of terms are sometimes baiting for reactions they can then weaponize later. Some of these people are bad actors who are hunting for doxxing material. And finally, it codes the user as crude and signals emotional rather than intellectual engagement. I’m not saying any of these things are necessarily always true or that people should retreat from uncomfortable facts, but words not only have meanings but also connotations and associations that must be taken into account.

Your point, stripped of its loaded terms, is quite valid- that governments ignore racial disparities in the commission of crimes in favor of punishing the law abiding, part of a phenomenon known in rightist terms as Anarcho-Tyranny. You are also correct that it is stupid to get madder at the word “darkies” than the actual death of minorities at the hands of other minorities. But the use of inflammatory language detracts from the main issue and just makes it easier for people to dismiss what should be an important point.

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Try saying something positive about Hitler (eg. the German economic miracle while the rest of the world was suffering the Great Depression) to middle class educated white people and see what happens

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Kanye West did just that for about four hours with Alex Jones. The results can be seen for themselves.

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I think the time has come for some common sense gun safety laws. In my view, all violent guns should be jailed for long periods to keep them off the streets. This is especially true of "assault rifles" which may in fact deserve the death penalty after they commit mass murder. Only with firm laws such as this can our streets be safe.

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Especially the ones that fire on “full-semi-automatic.”


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And remember, not all guns are violent. Don't generalize. Guns that live in Vermont have been nonviolent for decades. The same is true for guns in Saskatchewan which have killed very few people.

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Yes, they are the worst offenders which must be punished to the full extent of the law.

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If Democrats would stop shooting people gun violence would drop 60-90%. Great article.

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I love how the GI Joe meme you posted is the one where the guy is talking about an unidentified 49 year old man going berserk with a 12 gauge shotgun.

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If only there had been a care and safety associate to help him.

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"Knowing is half the battle ...

... And the other half is violence."

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This confirms what I’ve observed for the last several years. You need to start any article at the ninth paragraph to understand what actually happened.

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I work in mental health, so the term 'trauma-informed' is one I've encountered for years. I know what trauma is, I know how to treat it, I know saying 'so you watched your dad die, that must have sucked' is a terrible way to broach the topic, but beyond that I've never been able to pin down exactly what it means. Therapy can be trauma-informed, but apparently so can an office, a clinic brochure, a press release, how we talk about clients... as far as I can tell it's just an industry buzzword. It's a way to communicate that what we're doing is in-line with the wishes of the managerial/therapeutic state.

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Pay no attention to the black youth getting killed, that's a feature of the revolution. The more young black men killed, the more they can call for gun removal and disarm the lawful people in the country. When that is done, by Marx, they can round up those who still believe in life, liberty, and property, and send them to the gulags. It'll be another 50 million deaths for the glorious cause.

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Ah, today's greatest artform, the art of narrative management. I now believe many of the neo-journalists are oblivious to their derangement. This is how they have probably been taught and believe they are doing God's work.

As for trauma. I note this terminology has made its way in to the horrifying thunderdome of dating. Lots of young women on Tik Tok inexplicably telling the world of their dating woes. A surprising number claim to be healing from the trauma induced by past boyfriends, experiences they claim to have put behind them and are now ready to meet a real man, by which they mean a provider who can handle the mood swings induced by the past trauma. All these trauma-inducing men are of course hardcore narcissists and psychopaths. I note they skim over the part about who chooses whom and the definition of voluntary exchange.

There is a meme circulating that sums it up well. The top image is one of these ladies in a kind of outfit of the day pose, with a caption in a girly font saying - I feel so alone today. The bottom image is a picture of a lone British soldier in a trench at the Somme, covered in mud with his thousand-yard stare. No caption needed on the second image.

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Another banger!

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I enjoy reading your articles, but the next time you tease us with a picture of crying Taylor Lorenz, I expect you to relentlessly mock Taylor Lorenz

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You're risking permanent damage here. What happens if you accidentally read something from the NY Times, or pause at CNN / BBC a moment too long? It could tip you over the edge.

Pull out man, before it's too late.

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Once you strip away the system’s candy-coating, what you are left with is a story about a thug shot in self defense and a school system with not that bad of a crime problem, all things considered. The biggest theft is the government employees looting the system with their BS jobs, trying and failing to deal with a non-existent “trauma” problem while ignoring actual the problems of actual mental illness such that a psycho “group”-banger shot up graduation. I wouldn’t really call it a blackpill.

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Woooooo [><]

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Just found your sub stack. What a gem. And I will permit myself a remark on your life choices - why would a talented and intelligent person such as yourself help keep public education afloat by working in a public school.

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I work in a private school.

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Ah! Thank you for clarifying:) carry on :) merry Christmas!

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Mass deportations and executions?

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I don't think that need to have recourse to something that extreme at this time, other than in Minecraft.

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Well, yes, in a private Minecraft server should go without saying. Violence is wrong in every conceivable case.

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