I find it fascinating the parallels between the Koala and the Rainbow Brigade. Because the can't reproduce, they seek to steal others children. When they can't get the opposite sex to like them, they dress up like the opposite sex and have Anal sex.
Unlike the Koala, they are resourceful enough to infiltrate the structures of power and adapt.
In addition, the megacities are full of retarded people that eke out an existence, until they die.
Funnily enough, there is an Australian bird called the Chough which do in fact steal the chicks of other Chough flocks as a kind of intergroup competition. They also like to perform a bizarre "dance" around their chicks when they feed on the ground and sing a strange song.
Frankly, I don't care about koalas because they are a foreign species, at least to me, a resident of the Real Australia, known to both the Jealous and the Proud as the Top End. As people of cerebral stature everywhere recognise, the Top End is a Geographical Gem, surrounded by a series of Planet Earth barriers that protect us and ours from injurious Antarctic climes. These are known as the Central Desert, the State Hinterlands, and the Green Coastal Strips, the latter of which the quasi-suicidal koalas occupy. As do the smaller brain southern human species.
But the Dingoes are a different matter altogether. The Dingoes are our friends. Paintings in rock shelters show us that dingoes arrived about three and a half thousand years ago. That is when the Thylacene ceased to be depicted thus, erased by the more mobile and gang-minded Dingo. Now, topically, this theme lends itself to the Aboriginal arrival timeline, also mentioned by the author, which has recently become somewhat politicised, and for very good reason. I am sure Celaeno will forgive this sequalian addition to his fascinating narrative.
Extant mRNA evidence points to the Pleistocene arrival of a negrito human who eventually populated the entire island continent. With the Holocene Era, came several waves of new arrivals, the ancestors of current Aborigines. mRNA evidence suggests mimimal inter-marriange, to put it delicately, and eventually the negrito remnants were driven to climatic and geographical extremes, these being Tasmania, and the Atherton Highland Rainforests in north Queensland.
Along came some 19th century American anthropologists, who took all sorts of measurements and pronounced these to be negrito pygmies. Under pressure from outraged Australian academics, the Queensland Government rounded these unfortunate survivors up and transfered them to an Aboriginal reserve with strict orders to breed upwards ASAP.
Why? Because one simply cannot create a lucrative national guilt complex aound genocide of a people who had previously genocided somebody else. It's just not done. Like, where is the moral authority?
Yes, stories must be finished as well as begun, and so too must the moral of such stories be revealed. Sorry Albo, but the 'Voice' cannot use the guilt vehicle. Yes, Aborigines are still subjected to genocide and, in fact, it is your government that is doing it, not the entire collection of non-Aboriginal races, 95% of whom had nothing to do with it. This more recent genocide is aided by the very architects of the 'Voice', because they are the very loud, language-less, culture-less, city pseudo-Aboriginese who prevent the competing rural and remote areas genuine people from being heard.
But back to the dingoes, we need the dingoes to keep down feral cat numbers, which are the single biggest cause of native species decline. People of Australia's great antarctic barrier region, please stop killing dingoes. And thank you, Celaeno for creating this marvelous environment for truth-telling.
I read once that the Andaman Islanders (like the people of North Sentinel) are the remnants of one of the earliest waves to leave Africa, even earlier than the Aboriginals, and it would make sense under than scenario that the Melanesians would wipe them out in a second wave. There are still Negritos in mountain areas of the Philippines.
As for the Aboriginals, I have no direct experience, but from what YouTube tells me there seem to be some ongoing issues:
I like that they call out those leaders you mentioned to do something about the petrol-sniffing problem. They are making progress; the one guy specifies that petrol goes in your car rather than your nose, although the message is muddled a bit by the fact that he’s filling up a tank labeled “diesel only.”
Thank you for the kind words, and for not being rama-rama.
Gidday, Celaeno. You may have aluded to an area for future research. It is likely the Australian first peoples, the negritos, came from Africa, which would make sense if they share genetics with the negritos of Philippines, Indonesia, and Philipines. The second waves, present day Aborigines, have likely relatives from Malasia to India.
As to the petrol choirs, you could safely bet money that petrol sniffing did not change following that musical challenge. Sniffing is a self-aneasthsetisation reaction to distant or uncaring parenting and indicates wider social dysfunction. The only time it ever stopped was when Bamyili became self-empowering with power devolution of Aboriginal law and languages, in 1979, then changed its name to Burunga and commenced the Burunga Festival.
As I understand Australian English, “petrol” refers specifically to gasoline. You will notice the gentleman in the video filling up a tank clearly marked “diesel only.” I think he’s on the right track by not huffing it, and putting it in a vehicle is a great start, but perhaps aim to overachieve by not destroying an engine. Or maybe their engines work differently.
I really like you looking at the life history of animals and using it as a springboard for thinking about how we should conduct our lives as people. Much of the postmodern sickness IMO is due to urban alienation from life other than human life. it is hard for a wilderness person or rural farm child to have insane ideas about sex and gender for example, when they see all mega fauna have male and female and hertro sex to reproduce.
The dingo's are a very early branch of wolf to dog.
My understanding is they only have a few genetic variations to the grey wolf.
Domesticated dogs have many.
My only complaint about your article, and I loved it, is that 'Koala boy' is one of my nicknames.
Well now I know why and I'm very angry.
I'm going to find anyone else with this nickname, form a club called "metoo #Koala" and spread hatred on the internet right after I vomit up this eucalyptus
Without knowing much about dingoes, you might look up Carolina dogs. You’ve got them so wrong, this particular article relies on bullshit that’s been debunked years ago. No offense, just thought I’d clarify. Had one, and had my bride not gotten sick, we’d probably have a few more.
I find it fascinating the parallels between the Koala and the Rainbow Brigade. Because the can't reproduce, they seek to steal others children. When they can't get the opposite sex to like them, they dress up like the opposite sex and have Anal sex.
Unlike the Koala, they are resourceful enough to infiltrate the structures of power and adapt.
In addition, the megacities are full of retarded people that eke out an existence, until they die.
Funnily enough, there is an Australian bird called the Chough which do in fact steal the chicks of other Chough flocks as a kind of intergroup competition. They also like to perform a bizarre "dance" around their chicks when they feed on the ground and sing a strange song.
Frankly, I don't care about koalas because they are a foreign species, at least to me, a resident of the Real Australia, known to both the Jealous and the Proud as the Top End. As people of cerebral stature everywhere recognise, the Top End is a Geographical Gem, surrounded by a series of Planet Earth barriers that protect us and ours from injurious Antarctic climes. These are known as the Central Desert, the State Hinterlands, and the Green Coastal Strips, the latter of which the quasi-suicidal koalas occupy. As do the smaller brain southern human species.
But the Dingoes are a different matter altogether. The Dingoes are our friends. Paintings in rock shelters show us that dingoes arrived about three and a half thousand years ago. That is when the Thylacene ceased to be depicted thus, erased by the more mobile and gang-minded Dingo. Now, topically, this theme lends itself to the Aboriginal arrival timeline, also mentioned by the author, which has recently become somewhat politicised, and for very good reason. I am sure Celaeno will forgive this sequalian addition to his fascinating narrative.
Extant mRNA evidence points to the Pleistocene arrival of a negrito human who eventually populated the entire island continent. With the Holocene Era, came several waves of new arrivals, the ancestors of current Aborigines. mRNA evidence suggests mimimal inter-marriange, to put it delicately, and eventually the negrito remnants were driven to climatic and geographical extremes, these being Tasmania, and the Atherton Highland Rainforests in north Queensland.
Along came some 19th century American anthropologists, who took all sorts of measurements and pronounced these to be negrito pygmies. Under pressure from outraged Australian academics, the Queensland Government rounded these unfortunate survivors up and transfered them to an Aboriginal reserve with strict orders to breed upwards ASAP.
Why? Because one simply cannot create a lucrative national guilt complex aound genocide of a people who had previously genocided somebody else. It's just not done. Like, where is the moral authority?
Yes, stories must be finished as well as begun, and so too must the moral of such stories be revealed. Sorry Albo, but the 'Voice' cannot use the guilt vehicle. Yes, Aborigines are still subjected to genocide and, in fact, it is your government that is doing it, not the entire collection of non-Aboriginal races, 95% of whom had nothing to do with it. This more recent genocide is aided by the very architects of the 'Voice', because they are the very loud, language-less, culture-less, city pseudo-Aboriginese who prevent the competing rural and remote areas genuine people from being heard.
But back to the dingoes, we need the dingoes to keep down feral cat numbers, which are the single biggest cause of native species decline. People of Australia's great antarctic barrier region, please stop killing dingoes. And thank you, Celaeno for creating this marvelous environment for truth-telling.
I read once that the Andaman Islanders (like the people of North Sentinel) are the remnants of one of the earliest waves to leave Africa, even earlier than the Aboriginals, and it would make sense under than scenario that the Melanesians would wipe them out in a second wave. There are still Negritos in mountain areas of the Philippines.
As for the Aboriginals, I have no direct experience, but from what YouTube tells me there seem to be some ongoing issues:
I like that they call out those leaders you mentioned to do something about the petrol-sniffing problem. They are making progress; the one guy specifies that petrol goes in your car rather than your nose, although the message is muddled a bit by the fact that he’s filling up a tank labeled “diesel only.”
Thank you for the kind words, and for not being rama-rama.
Gidday, Celaeno. You may have aluded to an area for future research. It is likely the Australian first peoples, the negritos, came from Africa, which would make sense if they share genetics with the negritos of Philippines, Indonesia, and Philipines. The second waves, present day Aborigines, have likely relatives from Malasia to India.
As to the petrol choirs, you could safely bet money that petrol sniffing did not change following that musical challenge. Sniffing is a self-aneasthsetisation reaction to distant or uncaring parenting and indicates wider social dysfunction. The only time it ever stopped was when Bamyili became self-empowering with power devolution of Aboriginal law and languages, in 1979, then changed its name to Burunga and commenced the Burunga Festival.
As I understand Australian English, “petrol” refers specifically to gasoline. You will notice the gentleman in the video filling up a tank clearly marked “diesel only.” I think he’s on the right track by not huffing it, and putting it in a vehicle is a great start, but perhaps aim to overachieve by not destroying an engine. Or maybe their engines work differently.
As someone who is Australian, I am both disturbed by, and endorse, this article.
I really like you looking at the life history of animals and using it as a springboard for thinking about how we should conduct our lives as people. Much of the postmodern sickness IMO is due to urban alienation from life other than human life. it is hard for a wilderness person or rural farm child to have insane ideas about sex and gender for example, when they see all mega fauna have male and female and hertro sex to reproduce.
I like to think we can learn a lot about our nature from looking at the nature of other creatures.
Superb! Laughing and learning in equal measure.
Thank you
Absolutely! You’re welcome
The dingo's are a very early branch of wolf to dog.
My understanding is they only have a few genetic variations to the grey wolf.
Domesticated dogs have many.
My only complaint about your article, and I loved it, is that 'Koala boy' is one of my nicknames.
Well now I know why and I'm very angry.
I'm going to find anyone else with this nickname, form a club called "metoo #Koala" and spread hatred on the internet right after I vomit up this eucalyptus
Choices are choices... Some are made with high levels of cowardice, others not.
Without knowing much about dingoes, you might look up Carolina dogs. You’ve got them so wrong, this particular article relies on bullshit that’s been debunked years ago. No offense, just thought I’d clarify. Had one, and had my bride not gotten sick, we’d probably have a few more.
What did I say about dingoes that was untrue?