Fascinating. And you make a lot of interesting points.

There are 2 things I'd add:

1. Its often not black/white.

-PF can be totally legit, while still being infiltrated, by both antifa and the gov. If you have such a group you have to assume it's infiltrated from the start, or that at least one member is trying to sell info to get out of a felony he may have been entrapped into.

-"the gov" itself is a controlled psy-op, likely controlled by the same or similar groups as antifa. St Floyd riots were planned and purposeful, as was the governments response (or lack thereof.)

2. People who do not learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them; those who do learn are doomed to being ignored no matter how loud they shout.

The people doing the nazi stuff are always LARPing as the phase of OG nazism that didn't work. It looks really cool, and gives one a comradely boner. But it failed then, and it fails now. AH wrote MK while in jail from a Patriot Front-style operation that ended with people being killed. Being in jail gave him time to think about what actually works, and he began implementing it afterwards.

What works: political organization at a local level. Nazis were never super popular in all of Germany, but in a few provinces (Bavaria in particular) they held every elected position from dogcatcher to gauleiter. It was this total control of a stretch of territory that made the nazis powerful; they had actual armed people with a uniform and a badge, on the payroll and with a pension. This is why Hindenburg made AH the Chancellor, because he knew the nazis had to be appeased as secession was on the table if they didn't feel represented at the real table.

The lesson:

You need local support to get state support, to get regional support. Then you have a chip in the game, a way to bargain with power using power. What we have now are people with opinions online trying to make those who write the paychecks of men with guns do what we want... using only those opinions online. Against men with guns and a pension.

Too many people in our thing, even in these comments, keep trying to make plans at the nation-wide level. "We need X, and Y and Z!" OK, can you do those things? If so, go do them. If not, assume they are obvious and STFU about it. Talk to a neighbor instead, which is something you can do. Get local, then work up from there if possible. Or not. Small and air-gapped has it's uses as well.

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Nobody dreams of being the district selectman or the ward captain, but such and others are the offices through which power is channeled and patronage dispensed.

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The third major success of the Right: legalized homeschooling.

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It’s mostly a RW success, but there is a significant minority of hippies, hoteps, and miscellaneous others who’ve done work keeping it going as well. But you’re right, it is a major achievement.

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Libertarians were definitely a part of that success, Marshall Fritz in particular. Whether one should lump libertarians in with the Right is an interesting question.

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I'm still not convinced. It still does not explain their suspicious treatment at the hands of law enforcement and how their identities are still protected even after arrest. The whole idea that a bunch of random ANTIFA types have not only infiltrated Patriot Front but are being actively protected? The whole things smells to me. I would still stick with Federal organizing and/or infiltration. It's been common practice for well over half a century.

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I try to stick to what I believe to be demonstrably linked to specific evidence. It may be that Antifa cells are acting as cutouts for the state in certain locales, but I can’t say anything other than it’s possible.

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Nobody with any sense ever liked the PF retards. If someone still hasnt figured out that protests only work when they are a victory lap for the regime, Idk what you can tell them.

All these disaffected young guys want to "do something" but when they find out "doing something" actually involves spending hundreds of hours in meetings, shaking hands, typing away at your keyboard or reading books, doing boring procedural nonsense and parsing municipal statutes on this or that, they are suddenly far less interested. And then will still yell at you for not "doing something." NPC behavior.

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First let this is well-written and much of the piece is quite moving. Secondly, the fact that the ruling trash feel comfortable revealing the antifa connection to PF means their shutting down that particular honey-pot and moving on to another.

Here's a rule that you might want to consider: If a 'right wing activist' organization has a public profile of any kind - web site, phone number, PO Box - it's almost certainly a honey-pot for the Federal Authority's internal security ('domestic surveillance') apparatus.

In short, if the FBI can see you, they *will* infiltrate you and gut you.

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Sounds like a good cause.

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If you are in America: The Old Glory Club is a pre-political fraternity and mutual aid society that focuses on building the bonds of brotherhood. We are two years old and already have chapters in 10 states in the USA. Members are vetted and chapters given wide autonomy with support from the central organization. We do not promote any sort of political activism. Proximity to brothers is key; this is a meat-space organization first and foremost. If you would like to join a chapter or start one yourself please contact us at TheOldGloryClub@gmail.com

If you are in Europe: the Beowulf Foundation is engaged in much the same endeavor.

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Librarian of Celano, thank you. Yours is one more of the DEEP articles I have read in the last couple of days, long-form pieces that dig deep and require thought. I again, thank you for this. While I have the temperament of a sprinter and could not write such a long piece, I fully get the importance of this. The battle in our nation is truly spiritual warfare, not physical. The battle between men and women is also getting so overheated. I think the idea of smaller communities founded around like-minded families is an excellent one. I am too old to bear children but I do know underneath it all, the whole "hipster" culture is fraying and the remnants of the disaster of the sexual revolution is truly coming apart. I want to see young men and young women joining together in honorable marriage and partnerships to bring children into a wanted and loving home and staying together through the fray. Very difficult to do without God and I certainly recommend Him to ground your life. The whole Patriot Front part is interesting and I hope things continue to come to the surface. From Ephesians 6:12: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickeness in high places." Amen to that, stay fully anchored in the full armor of God, everyone! I am putting a new piece out tonight, on the ongoing battle between men and women. Blessings to all, Wendy

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Thank you so much. There are a lot of people on Substack who write short but very effective pieces that make my efforts pale in comparison. It’s a matter of bringing your own talents to bear.

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1968-1975 hippies, dreamers, freaks and radicals moved to Vermont and changed the state. Prior to their coming, the state was Republican. The book "Going Up the Country" tells the story. They came, worked hard, lived communally and made a place for themselves. If they can do it, so can we.

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Right leaning communities established, not a bad idea but I thing we need rAts in the cracks (Not RATs, Republicans against Trump but rAts, real American testamoners.), a nationwide network in the cracks, out of our beloved appointed rulers purview, a group united by protected communication links (LoRa meshnets perhaps), mediums of exchange, silver rounds, gold backed bitcoin, goldbacks (Outside government control), moonshine alleys and smugglers coves where goods forbidden by our well meaning masters who (shut up and eat your bugs) have only our best interests at heart, such as meat and potatoes, can be transported and exchanged. Parallel economy, agronomy, etc., autonomous, in the cracks.

If things work out rAts by their example could mean we end up having our Republic again.

If not, hey we'd still have our cracks . While living in such might not be the best of lives but again hey, it worked for the cockroaches, they've far outlived the dinosaurs!

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We drove through the rural South a few years ago. At the ice cream/hamburger place where we stopped for lunch, there was a framed basketball jersey from the Francis Marion Patriots.

Francis Marion Patriots? I knew American history decently, but had never heard of a patriot named Francis Marion. You know who he is, and I hope that you tell his story. It is courageous bands like his that Empire can not wrangle.

It put pieces together for me. Most of the men that I knew in the Air Force, where were they from? Yup. The ROTC guy in college that I admired? He is from South Carolina. The best officers in the US military, circa 1858? Southerners.

That is your legacy. Y'all understand a love of country very well. You should have high standards for what happens next.

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Francis Marion was a great man. In SC, where I lived for a number of years, it’s not uncommon to see many things named after him. There’s still a giant statue of Wade Hampton behind the state capitol.

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Thanks for another great piece! I'm immensely grateful that my children are young enough to have avoided the worst of the COVID excesses, and are still young enough that we have time to thoughtfully establish a community for them.

The intentional communities you describe are intriguing. I've read a bit about them, but if you have more resources really available, I'd love to see them. If not, no worries - I'll start scouring the Internet.

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The NYT article is not a bad place to start, and I added some links in my piece. But there’s a lot out there also.

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I think you type these essays faster than I can read them. Starting to think it's Librarian(s) of Celaeno. I was hoping things would slow down when school started, but you're still coming at me with these great essays on a daily basis. ENOUGH.

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I try to put something out every 4-5 days. Occasionally it’s longer, occasionally sooner.

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We're going to keep thinking, and writing, and winning. You'll say ENOUGH, but no! We will still keep thinking, and writing, and winning (apologies to Donald Trump).

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Excellent piece. I can't help but think they're the right leaning or even pretending to types from anfifa and antifa getting pr from the nyt saying they aren't talking to cops when they are cops, lawyers, judges and those who have been on the long march in secret societies and lock step with the institutions that help these people. I still feel like they are part of antifa and are a psyop just like the article in reference. They're on every board of every charity and haven't learned people like to take advantage of bleeding hearts and that they are fighting for Blackrock and Soros supported fags even if they do become that bundle of sticks. I'd say Soros DA's and enmeshment since at least 16 would be communities actual help from anyone wanting to make their community safer and less at risk. Mine has some very evil little antifa agents is all I know and they will cut your tires and screw with you all the time. It's like the kids who were passive aggressive bullies who never played sports want to act like a bunch of carnies, the Patriot Front dudes could stop messing with the nice ladies at the pro life events. Antifa Psyop with the RINO EXTREMISTS lol.

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I try to stick to what I can offer evidence for, and I keep my own speculation to a minimum. Everyone calling everyone a fed is idiotic and counterproductive. Besides, I’m pretty sure I was totally wrong about PF; they’re not feds, they’re just cringe, and now they’re doxxed all over the place. Avoid.

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I think they are a psyop. Zersetzung and what did they do share memes. This was part of my point when we hide where we stand re my FB effect theory and the madness in the My So Curated Life crowd is that people who know better loose their minds if you just get sick of the dumb stuff, see no progress, see people just bitching and never ending finger pointing and it's a mess. Antifa was cringe before cringe was cringe so surely you can see why I avoid. Plus they're right wing progressives lmao. They are quasi as cringe as white guys for Harris, which proves they haven't given up segregation, knew it. Lol

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What is right out in the open but still not being seen is that the USA has a very sophisticated and 'street level' counter-insurgency arm that has been developing its skills at destroying domestic dissidents for almost 100 years. It's so good at what it does, it can operate in the open without anyone really *thinking* about what they're seeing.

The 'revolving door' between 'private citizen' and 'domestic surveillance agent' is one given very little attention but operates exactly like the 'antifa-to-FBI' pipeline that makes character assassination *at scale* possible in the US.

Back in the day, cities in the Midwest had 'red squads' whose job it was to keep tabs on - and harass - anyone who seemed 'out of place' or 'pinko' or 'red'.

What the left has done is *outsource* the 'red squads' for their own purposes.

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Another fascinating piece!

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Thank you very much, professor.

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Nothing to see here. Just a bunch of guys who for some reason all bought brand new khakis just for this occasion, almost as if two weeks prior to this they were all a bunch of dirty basement dwelling online commie activists. Nope, not one thing to see here. - FBI

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