This was true and hilarious. I watched the trailer for The Marvel's last night and was like nope. I'm still on my bs about DC finishing the Snyderverse, only the recent Thor movies have been good and I still can't watch Quantumania or Dr. Strange Multiverse due to Feige just having beaten that horse to death. I was just thinking well I haven't missed much still so yeah I'm still boycotting. They are making a Toy Story 5 though at least there's no release date. Mini Buzz Lightyear still wants me to end my boycot and I was like son, this is Central FL, we must stand up to the overlords at the mouse house. ( I didn't really say that, just imparted he'd understand one day- they took my tolerance to the mat and I had to tap out) I even canceled Hulu, what a statement I know but Disney is up there with Target and Nike now. Brilliant breakdown, did you really call Fire Rescue ? Even if you didn't I think we all should just to see if they'd post something along the lines of, due to the high volume of inquires regarding what started the wildfires we just want to inform you that yes, it was pallets of cash from Hollywood which started the blaze. Lol. Glad to see your back. Hope you and your family continue to heal. 🙏

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Thank you for the kind words. Note, I claimed to have called the California Department of Forest Management, which may or may not exist.

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First read of your essays. Hilarious and well written. Subscribed now(free loader) and will pay in the future if this is your norm.

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Honestly, there is no norm.

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I knew it was a stately body of some sort mentioned. That was gold. Lol

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That paragraph was brilliant! I know, having once been a forester. Had I answered that phone I don't think I would have hung up. I wish they would bring a pallet of money over to my neck of the woods (south-central Tn), I would offer to take care of it for them.

Like Madjack here, this is the first of your essays I have read.

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Now this is intriguing.

But we won't know for sure until we see how «Titanic II: The Resurfacing» pans out.

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Apparently the highlight is going to be the romance between the ghost of DiCaprio and the gay Somali pirate with a PhD in marine engineering from MIT.

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*former pirate, now climate scientist, who descends to the bed of Atlantic in search of lost global warming.

(«missing heat» being hidden somewhere in the ocean is an actual «serious» theory, by the way)

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He’s still a pirate, he just robs oil companies of their environmentally destructive profits and unearned white privilege, but mostly the profits. He uses them to fund gender-affirming care for African youth and to fight climate change by funding his countrymen to plunder all the copper from every HVAC system In Minneapolis.

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One major flaw in your theory:

inflation doesn't work that way. Wasting money like Richard Pryor in "Brewster's Millions" has no effect on inflation, as it is defined as the relationship between money supply and supply of goods. Spending money simply moves the money supply around, it doesn't change it. The only way to decrease inflation in the way you suggest would be to literally set it on fire, like Joker in that one movie.

My theory is that all these money-blowing corporations are fronts that TLAs use to spend all the money they have to influence Americans. It's estimated the CIA exported ~$1T in opium during the Afghanistan occupation, for example. They were doing the same thing during Vietnam, as well.

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TLAs, huh... Trans-Latinx Arborists, no. Uh Trepanation Liberation Army? Maybe Transatlantic Luxury Airships? Darn I hate not knowing my acronyms!

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Three Letter Agency

CIA, for example.


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Thank you

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Outstanding username and profile pic.

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Making Normies and normality respectable again

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You may be on to something.

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On the other hand, maybe everybody has just entirely lost what few wits they once had.

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This was fantastic and easily as plausible as any other explanation. Sold!

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"Bob Iger at Disney wants to be president one day"

Well that's a nightmare future dystopia outlined in one sentence.

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Another hysterical and thought-provoking piece, sir. Well done. I think you could well be on to something here. I was trying to figure out this riddle myself back when Transheuser Busch lit its brand on fire (https://honestlyre.substack.com/p/your-precious-capitalism-wont-save), and it struck me as being largely a function of ideological capture and ESG scores as well, but you've given me pause to reconsider some of the variable here. Is it also socialists intentionally imploding capitalist constructs? Is it post-currency capitalists so "wealthy" that their new "currency" is beyond mere dollars and cents?

Regardless, I just want Brie Larsen to go away. Or at least give me a smile. :)

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When I hear "hysterical and thought provoking" I think of an angry female lumpenmorph tearing up a Walmart.

I don't really like attacking actors and directors as such; after all, they are just putting themselves out there trying to entertain us. Brie Larsen, to give her credit, was good in 21 Jump Street. But at the same time, this stuff has to stop. Hopefully, once they've lit enough money on fire, they'll start making movies people like again.

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I think you may have simultaneously proved that String Theory, Dark Matter/Energy, and Reddy Kilowatt are lame and gay. (With a chick in it.)

Best to you on your continued recovery.

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Well, Bob Iger better get on it, he ain't gettin' younger.

I sort of feel like they would have to literally burn like 10 trillion though. Which, I guess pouring it into renewable, DEI and ESG, that is akin to fire, lol.

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Great post. I worked in media, and for a long time, there was so much money to play with that people did what people always do when there is an abundance, they waste. There were signs years ago that the money was in the process of drying up, but the people who were used to it always being there were lazy fat cats by then. The fat cats get in the lifeboats and the rest are left on the deck of the Titanic, life vests in hand, that HR showed them how to wear in a slide show.

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A conspiracy? Isn't that immoral? Isn't that betraying the public's trust?

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If it CAN be destroyed by the truth, it DESERVES to be destroyed by the truth.

-Albert Einstein

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Don’t forget the Batgirl (?) movie

production that, after it was

finished, was simply canned

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I watched 2 episodes of WoT after spending a deployment reading the books years ago. Two episodes was all it took for me to go nope and switch off. I didn't even bother with RoP as I saw what The Quartering and others were saying and knew I'd dislike it.

The only thing that seems to be doing good is The Boys.

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This is just crazy enough to actually make sense, lol. Having avidly followed the Culture War, I kept wondering why entire industries kept insulting their fans, immolating goodwill, churning out bilge, and doing so consistently for years. This finally explains it, and it's almost like inverted graft/embezzlement -- in both cases you're raising the cost to hide what you're really doing with the money, but instead of stealing it, you're deleting it. It's strangely clever, and I wouldn't put it past our overlords to do something like this.

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Accruing power by destruction is not new. Here the librarian presents portraits of economic and social conflagrations in several iterations.

Yet when all is laid to waste in service of sustaining some undefined yet precious control, in the end all that remains to be controlled is the waste itself.

Fools' errands writ large, to be sure. It would be a pleasure to simply sit back and laugh but for the fact that so many lives -- of workers, bystanders, and the unsuspecting -- are also laid to waste at the bottom of the money pyres.

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