Mar 1Liked by Librarian of Celaeno

It would almost be reassuring if there was some sort of 5-D chess regarding Ukraine, the insane persecution of the j6'ers. and the bizarre inversion of morality. The truth it's complete status signalling of negative identity. they don't have a cohesive worldview outside of platitudes like equality, but they have a visceral idea of who they are not, those midwest MAGA rubes.

I've seen people whose life revolves around getting even with their enemies, regardless of how it damages their own relationships. Thas is now the elite class on a mass scale.

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Exactly. These are people animated by an urge to dominate, control, and as I noted, humiliate.

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Apr 9Liked by Librarian of Celaeno

Humiliation rituals are critical with that crowd.

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Mar 2Liked by Librarian of Celaeno

Much of the basics of the regime are an old plan to subvert and subjugate America. However, I think those currently trying to implement the plan are not the men of the previous generations. Kind of like how Charlemagne was Great, but his grandkids pissed away his empire because they weren't up to the task, even split into thirds. Or compare Bill Kristol to his father, Irving.

Also, as the OP referenced, there is a lot of in-fighting going on. As Games Theory would predict when the End Game approaches. At some point in the near future, there will be a winner in the game of Thrones, and all the 2nd place finishers will fall victim to a Night of the Long Dildoes.

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Mar 2Liked by Librarian of Celaeno

God bless you for teaching these young men valuable lessons, and perhaps more importantly, getting them to think. I can only hope my son has a few such teachers in the future.

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Mar 1Liked by Librarian of Celaeno

I like that this is coming from an education perspective, not a vengeful one. The people who can twist justice and injustice in the way you describe surely think themselves right? They're to pitied, not scorned.

If any man turns his back on honesty and virtue and all the other upright qualities, and even Justice - and if those qualities actually are in that man's best interest - his choice has to come from lack of wisdom. Wisdom can't be beaten or mocked into an unwise person; only taught.

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Beautiful. "Sometimes the overlap in a society between sin and lawbreaking is close- this is increasingly true in Western societies, where “hate” is taken more seriously than actual crimes. Notice that one’s legal system need not recognize the existence of the Christian God for there to be a will to punish sin; the gods of progress- the rulers of the darkness of this world- will suffice, and sins against them are in any case crimes against the regimes that worship them. There will never be a regime that does not punish sins because every stable regime requires some mandate beyond the fact of its own existence to legitimize it, and thus, in some sense, fundamental challenges to that sense of cosmic order that undergirds a regime necessitates something more severe than punishment- damnation." thank you for making this so clear. it Absolutely is a new religion forming. Zealotry scares the begeezuz out of me. Humiliation? that is what we have in most of our politicians, men who cannot even control their bowels, let alone a country, order following puppets no one in their right mind believe are in charge. that is humiliation.

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Mar 2Liked by Librarian of Celaeno

Very nice piece.

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An awesome and very educational essay, this sounds like the sort of classes I would have loved as a kid. Incroyable Mr de Celaeno, je suis certain que tes élèves sont fiers d'avoir un prof si intelligent et cultive que toi.

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Good to know that there are still good teachers left in this world. God Bless you my good man.

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Mar 1Liked by Librarian of Celaeno

Every court needs a jester, a Momus to remind the ruler(s) MementoMori. However when Momus is elevated to the throne he turns in to his twin sister, Oizys, goddess of misery.

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So, I realize mocking and humiliating them in turn is not a solution, but it does feel a little like justice. I only partake every so often, otherwise engaged in "striving after higher truths."


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I think mockery has its place, in limited doses for particular purposes. I know I've deployed it...

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Apr 9Liked by Librarian of Celaeno

I love this. You are absolutely right on about a health regime and moral and physical well-being then leading to debauchery and sin. How are elected criminals that are getting away with it in all levels of government fit to tell anyone of us who is a criminal really anymore and how can we the people trust them again at this point. Like red handed caught is the only thing I'm believing anymore without healthy skepticism and disbelief at first after the gaslight job that was done to me and the trauma from it which has made several liable and criminal co conspirators so it's like if this can happen to me and I knew it happens to others how can I really believe the headline grabbers. Did you see the footage of the cops and Bob Mendezs wife? How would that go down for the average citizen who hit n killed a pedestrian. In FL a blood test would be mandatory.

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Absolutely true. And Florida is one of the good places.

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I agree, I'm still mad about how hemp farmers are getting done, can't we just all agree delta 8 never belonged in gas stations? Ron already won't let mmj into recovery centers and puts people on big phama which messes with them more. It's a mess. I'm really hoping that we the people can all agree that big pharma should be banned from lobbying, commercials and donations to both parties. Back to the Apothecary shop druggists. 😁

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We did that with the tobacco companies, (at least with the advertising) and now I see them creeping back in. I am like, "What gives?"

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Mar 19·edited Mar 19Liked by Librarian of Celaeno

Where I encounter difficulty with the librarian's argument is the unstated premise that people will fear humiliation. This is highly unlikely in that the ruling class is 100% humiliation proof. Where others would quiver in embarrassment, the ruling class totes up the 'learnings' and moves right along.

If one supposes that a caste system would include humiliation for the lower castes as a means of keeping the upper castes in power, perhaps that could work. We do have the exile of "cancellation," but it is only a matter of time before being big enough to be cancelled will be a badge of honor.

I cannot think of a single thing that could be used to humiliate people at this time. For every humiliation, there is a victim advocacy movement to support them and explain away their flaws as systemic something or another.

Also disagree that the dark time is emergent. My sense is that the dark time is here. Live accordingly. Cautiously, but with quiet joys.

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Mar 6Liked by Librarian of Celaeno

I have to admit - their psyops are good. They have everyone convinced that they're just dumb and stupid, and that this is the reason our country is being ground into the dirt.

But, when your enemy is dumb and stupid, and grinding you into the dirt, what does that say about -YOU- and your ability to fight?

Brilliant moves on their part, keeping the slave rebellion at bay that much longer through the demoralization.

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Mar 2Liked by Librarian of Celaeno

A digression.

We used to execute criminals for fairly trivial offenses, especially in Europe, and one wonders if we achieved the civilization we did in part by culling out those who would ruin the peace to a dull roar.

Also related - it's worth reading the book Death Flex. A collection of weird and magical fiction inspired by a hangma's diary.

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A challenging, thus valuable, read for someone like me who is fundamentally an optimist. It makes me question whether my optimism is highly personal. Have I ignored seismic moves in our culture that have not yet unsettled my life?

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My own take I would call optimistic. I don't think people will endlessly degenerate; rather, I believe that our times will call forth our better impulses, not from everyone certainly, but from powerful but discontented souls who seek more from life than what our system offers. A reaction in the best sense is coming.

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