I’m going to fix some narrow terms of debate and take issue with you over Bob Reich, while not disputing any of the facts. Back in the analog days, he had a brain and a spine. But measured strictly by his output here on Substack, he is just as much a carpetbagging regime stenographer as every other carpetbagging regime stenographer. And on here he can’t even bring himself criticise the party of slavery in order to try to save it. I still read his work up until a month or so post election in the hope of seeing the light flicker once party discipline was suspended. Nothing.
I have not yet tired of leaving comments in his stacks such as, "You've already traded in your Tesla for a Rivian. The only thing left you can do is to go outside and shake your tiny fists at the starlink satellites circling above." I got a like from him once. He either has a sense of humor, or it was an accident. Probably an accident.
Half the fun of going down the rabbit hole is how far do I need to read before it becomes obvious what is being sold. Like going to an old fashioned magazine rack and sneaking a look inside before either getting reprimanded by the owner or deciding I will open my purse and hopefully discover that my instincts were correct. It becomes a study in rhetoric. One of the first things I do if any interest is sparked is go to the “ABOUT” section. In the case of previously known MSM writers and talkers, well they seldom reveal signs of personal growth. Did you ever let these grifters succeed in altering your perceptions on any other platform; any other medium of communication?
This list of roguish cats brings back memories, Beschloss, FrenchDavidians - the gold old days. I’d suggest Jim Sciutto for adopting the statesmen look of Reid Richard’s of the Fantastic Four, the Kirby era. Jake Tapper, Mitt Romney and Sciutto need the greying temples for gravitas. Sciutto got me suspended from Twitter because I asked him about Hillary and Bimbo control.
Is Cringestack an escape pod or a shriveled space seed?
Just remember, what Robert Reich lacks in intelligence he makes up with his height.
Hilarious! Made me think of Paul Krugman, who’s become a kind of byword for consistent, platitudinous wrongness. I’m guessing he’s on here but I’m not actually going to look—after all, why?
Good review. I post occasionally on some of these in the vain hope of reaching readers still capable of independent thought. The mute button is a far better idea. You're kind to Reich, too kind to my mind. Whatever contribution to sanity he may once have made is long past.
Maybe it's a good thing I'm distracted by university registration for my second undergrad degree, and my writing (and am shutting off twitter for the next few days), had no idea about cringestack. Seems to be quite the thing, I had no idea it was even a thing. Is that dumb of me? I guess I'm somewhat distracted these days.
I must say I was hoping for another Jan Sobieski essay, haha, mais ceci etait pas mal informative.
"She’s very much the PMC’s ideal of what a public intellectual should be, and to get an idea of what that is, imagine the Disney movie Fantasia, but with the role of the Sorcerer’s Apprentice played by a coven of faceless NGO apparatchiks and the broom being an animated NPR tote bag dumping plastic swag onto the internet. She’s the tote bag."
I’m going to fix some narrow terms of debate and take issue with you over Bob Reich, while not disputing any of the facts. Back in the analog days, he had a brain and a spine. But measured strictly by his output here on Substack, he is just as much a carpetbagging regime stenographer as every other carpetbagging regime stenographer. And on here he can’t even bring himself criticise the party of slavery in order to try to save it. I still read his work up until a month or so post election in the hope of seeing the light flicker once party discipline was suspended. Nothing.
I have not yet tired of leaving comments in his stacks such as, "You've already traded in your Tesla for a Rivian. The only thing left you can do is to go outside and shake your tiny fists at the starlink satellites circling above." I got a like from him once. He either has a sense of humor, or it was an accident. Probably an accident.
I prefer to believe that at least one of these guys is self-aware. Why not him?
I haven’t checked his stack that carefully, but I remember him as a slight contrarian at times.
Those who are ignorant of history are doomed to repeat: “Confederacy, Hitler, Literal Hitler”.
I’ve been seriously worried what Substack is going to do when all the USAID “paid subscribers” Cringestack money dries up. Hopefully they will cope.
It will be interesting. The mass protest budgets have clearly withered, and NAFO isn’t what it used to be.
Half the fun of going down the rabbit hole is how far do I need to read before it becomes obvious what is being sold. Like going to an old fashioned magazine rack and sneaking a look inside before either getting reprimanded by the owner or deciding I will open my purse and hopefully discover that my instincts were correct. It becomes a study in rhetoric. One of the first things I do if any interest is sparked is go to the “ABOUT” section. In the case of previously known MSM writers and talkers, well they seldom reveal signs of personal growth. Did you ever let these grifters succeed in altering your perceptions on any other platform; any other medium of communication?
The FrenchDavidians are a cult.
This list of roguish cats brings back memories, Beschloss, FrenchDavidians - the gold old days. I’d suggest Jim Sciutto for adopting the statesmen look of Reid Richard’s of the Fantastic Four, the Kirby era. Jake Tapper, Mitt Romney and Sciutto need the greying temples for gravitas. Sciutto got me suspended from Twitter because I asked him about Hillary and Bimbo control.
Is Cringestack an escape pod or a shriveled space seed?
Just remember, what Robert Reich lacks in intelligence he makes up with his height.
Trump will become the God-emperor and lead mankind, the Imperium of Earth into a New Golden Age! Hail The Emperor! 🙋🏼♂️
This is a joke.
Hilarious! Made me think of Paul Krugman, who’s become a kind of byword for consistent, platitudinous wrongness. I’m guessing he’s on here but I’m not actually going to look—after all, why?
Good review. I post occasionally on some of these in the vain hope of reaching readers still capable of independent thought. The mute button is a far better idea. You're kind to Reich, too kind to my mind. Whatever contribution to sanity he may once have made is long past.
The Trump and Elon nicknames these people come up with are just atrocious.
This is a great article, but that thumbnail will live in my nightmares.
"French seems to have tried and failed on Substack" - if he failed, he failed upward (in his terms at least), writing for NYT now
Maybe it's a good thing I'm distracted by university registration for my second undergrad degree, and my writing (and am shutting off twitter for the next few days), had no idea about cringestack. Seems to be quite the thing, I had no idea it was even a thing. Is that dumb of me? I guess I'm somewhat distracted these days.
I must say I was hoping for another Jan Sobieski essay, haha, mais ceci etait pas mal informative.
"She’s very much the PMC’s ideal of what a public intellectual should be, and to get an idea of what that is, imagine the Disney movie Fantasia, but with the role of the Sorcerer’s Apprentice played by a coven of faceless NGO apparatchiks and the broom being an animated NPR tote bag dumping plastic swag onto the internet. She’s the tote bag."
Yes, God help us all.
Thank you!
Even Mr Potato Head got fed up with Dan Rather and refused to let him marry his daughter. He’s just a commentator said her dad.