What is to be Done?
This piece is inspired by an exchange in the comment section of the most recent John Carter Piece, “The White Man’s Ghost Dance.” Mr. Carter kindly responded to my comment wherein I noted that weightlifting, praying, et al., were the natural and expected response to our current conditions by noting his concern that these were not enough, and that more should be done. So the question then arises- what is to be done?
Charles Haywood has done more in this area that I could hope to, and is very much worth reading. His “What to Do When Caesar Comes” is excellent, but more speculative than I would venture. History certainly offers that possibility, but there are no true parallels, and the resolution of our current situation will resemble past episodes but through a glass darkly. Are we Rome; Weimar; Pu Yi’s Empire? All these, and more, and less at the same time.
This question of understanding our current social crisis will go a long way to figuring out what to do what the degenero-singularity comes to pass at last. Those on the right can be distinguished from conservatives of any type by the following realizations- 1) there is no infra-system political resolution to the problems of the system, 2) our society is out of sorts with God and nature, and those who do not believe in God must at least acknowledge that the system hates Him in any case, and 3) the contradictions of liberal democracy, wherein all men are equal and freedom means that all limits are artificial and hateful, thus necessitating a state strong enough to level, homogenize, and commodify every aspect of life, are at the root of the current instabilities. The right holds that there is a transcendent order to the universe, and valorizes excellence, tradition, hierarchy, virtue, piety, and physical and moral courage. The right is thus the prime enemy of the current order, be it TradCath, Race Realist, Neo-Pagan, OrthoBro, Nietzschean lifter, etc. The system means to destroy us, and its every thought is bent on that end.
So what can one do in the face of it? Faith. I don’t mean in this instance religious doctrine, although I have strong beliefs that I take as normative. I propose rather that the right takes it’s a priori assumptions about the way the universe works seriously and that we live accordingly. If we are correct, as we believe we are, then we must take it as a given that the system will collapse eventually. We cannot know when the tiger will sputter into an exhausted heap, or where, but it must. In what manner should we live, knowing for certain that the perverse tyranny we live under must somehow fall apart, but necessarily agnostic as to the manner in which it will happen? We live the Tradition. Pace Evola, we create families, and befriend other families. Perhaps not all will share our views, but so long as they share our lifestyle, they are the forge of the future. We men must do the work of making friends, friends whom we trust. We pledge that within our circles no one will want for support, fellowship, or protection. We build each other physically, through exercise and good habits, and materially through aid, employment, and investment. We pursue such intellectual excellence as we are capable, shunning neither philosophy nor craft. Ideally, each man should have some measure of each. And we form spiritual brotherhoods, holding each other morally accountable, as we will all be held accountable ultimately. And we do so in the most surreptitious way possible, gray-anons in suburbs and board rooms. We avoid the Eye of Sauron. As Social Matter used to say, we become worthy.
This is not, however, a call to quietude. Above all things each man and woman must cultivate a sense of discernment, awareness of the world without being of it. Strike any target of opportunity. Gay porn in the local primary school? Run for that school board seat and end it, even if, as should be the case, your own children are nowhere near the place. Make sure the local sheriff is an ally, or become him. Find work where you can throw wrenches into gears. Neoliberalism is a complex machine built for extraction; it has lots of moving parts and few redundancies, and its ideological enforcement arm is made up of women of both sexes who are mentally ill, sexually confused, and emotionally damaged. Take opportunities as you see them. Be as meek as doves, but wise as serpents.
Should you form a militia? You already have one. You might lack the uniform, but the normal activities of your life as a rightist should be preparing you in every way for the possibility of armed conflict, personal and collective. Open camo-larping, while fun, attracts attention, and should the need arise, existing networks can be leveraged into a formal organization. Martial arts? Again, spoken for. Prepping? If you have the resources there is no harm in it, but with the networks you have developed, there should be producers in the mix.
When what is artificial can no longer be maintained, the natural reasserts itself. Seek out the like-minded and form those bonds of fellowship that are the real foundation of organic society. The revolt of the masses is coming to an end, and the hoof beats of some future monarch strike the ground of some distant battlefield. And if not, if we do not live to see the end, then we have spent our time on this earth living as we ought to have, authentically and virtuously. If we do this, we have done enough, and all we can.
The only quibbles I have are:
While I realize people need a banner to rally around, ideologies are traps. You adopt one, and after you've bought in they close the doors after you and change it.
Hierarchy without meritocracy leads to degeneracy. There must be upwards and downwards movement, and elites/leaders must earn their positions rather than inherit them.
Good points all. I was about to answer your questions, but you answered them yourself.
Or maybe my headache was causing me to misunderstand what you said.
however, you are right. We must be the Rangers like Aragorn.
We must fight the Eye of Sauron and the Ire of Melkor.